High Fever In Children: What Is Important To Know

Fever is a rise in body temperature above normal values and is an ally of the child because it helps eliminate the germs and viruses that are causing it When it is high, above 38°, however, it arouses concern and fear in parents. The causes of feverThe causes are very...

Covid cleared the decks

For the first couple of years of the pandemic, other respiratory viruses seemed to be on hiatus. (Rhinoviruses, which cause the common cold, were an exception.) Social distancing measures, sharp declines in international travel, and potentially some interplay between...

Covid vaccines — so many surprises

For quite a few of the people interviewed for this article, the speed with which Covid vaccines were developed was truly unexpected. Ran Balicer, director of Israel’s Clalit Research Institute, encapsulated that view: “Vaccine(s) ready, tested, and launched in under a...

The biggest surprise, hands down: How the virus has evolved

In the early days of the pandemic, before the new virus had a name, people who had studied coronaviruses offered reassuring predictions about the stability of the virus, which has implications for how often people might be reinfected and how frequently vaccines would...