How hot is too hot for the human body?

Heat waves are becoming supercharged as the climate changes – lasting longer, becoming more frequent and getting just plain hotter. One question a lot of people are asking is: “When will it get too hot for normal daily activity as we know it, even for young, healthy...

Optimizing preventive healthcare for all in India

Non Communicable Diseases (NCDs), chief among them being cardiovascular diseases (heart disease and stroke), cancer, diabetes, and chronic respiratory disease cause nearly three quarters of the deaths in the world, according to the World Health Organization. Every...

How the flu virus hacks our cells

A UNIGE team has discovered how the influenza A virus hijacks the mechanism for importing iron into cells to invade its host 31-May-2023 3: by Université de Genève (University of Geneva) Newswise — Influenza epidemics, caused by influenza A or B viruses, result in...