Mothers never have to worry with an Exergen Temporal Scanner

New mothers have one of the most difficult jobs, and they deserve the peace of mind. When equipped with an Exergen Temporal Scanner, a proven accurate, doctor-recommended thermometer, mothers will never have to worry about missing a fever.Learn more about the Exergen...

Check for fever frequently to prevent RSV

The COVID-19 outbreak still causes headaches across the globe, but many believe the worst is over. Is that really the case? Suddenly, Intensive Care Units (ICUs) around the world are filled with children suffering from breathing problems. How did this happen? The RS...

While numbers are important, prevention is essential

Several countries, including India, are debating how many people have died as a result of COVID-19. This is an important topic, of course. All humans are valuable, and we should strive to prevent infection using whatever tools we have. If they do get exposed to an...

How do we protect ourselves from a twindemic?

A few weeks ago, I learned a new word: twindemic. It is the situation where we have more than 1 epidemic at the same time. I came across this word when I was reading about the COVID19 situation in a number of southeast Asian countries. Not only are they still...

The world is looking at India for post-COVID19 guidance

The other day I had a video call with a group of distributors of our company in the US and Europe. Before we discussed business we also talked a bit about how things are in their respective countries. I immediately noticed that COVID19 is still very high on their list...