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COVID + cold and flu

Last year there was very little flu during the Covid pandemic. This year’s flu & Covid are both projected to be widespread, and fever is a leading sign of both. Accuracy matters when it comes to taking your temperature, so use the Exergen TemporalScanner whose...

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Accuracy matters

COVID vaccines alone will not fully protect you from the coronavirus. You also need to be vigilant. It’s critical to take a reliably accurate temperature reading with the Exergen TemporalScanner. It’s the only thermometer whose accuracy has been proven in more than...

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Supported by the medical community

If you’re experiencing cold, flu, or COVID symptoms, you need an accurate temperature reading as quickly as possible. Fever is a leading symptom of both the flu and COVID-19, so the sooner you rule out the common cold, the better. Then, seek medical advice on whether...

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What do Americans think?

New surveys show that Americans don’t think vaccines are enough to protect themselves and others from COVID. Eighty percent want thermometers used in public places to screen for COVID. Thirty-six percent know that non contact devices are inaccurate and 60 percent...

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No supporting studies for non contact devices

Many people who are vaccinated are getting sick from COVID variants and Americans have no end of questions and concerns. What we do know is that fever is the leading sign of COVID, so everyone needs an accurate thermometer. Exergen TemporalScanner’s accuracy is backed...

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Vaccines are not enough

Covid vaccines are not perfect and effectiveness tends to weaken with time.  Vaccinated people are still vulnerable to the deadly disease. The flu is also projected to be widely prevalent this fall and winter. To be safe, monitor your family regularly for fever and...

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When using a thermometer, non-invasiveness is essential

Sometimes, my mom is a bit old-fashioned. She likes things the way they were when she was a young woman. Despite this, I love her very much because she is always concerned about our well-being.  She immediately began giving me advice on what to do and what to buy...

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The benefits of Temporal Artery Thermometers

I had an interesting conversation with my neighbor the other day. We live near a hospital where she works as a nurse. We talk almost every day now that I am pregnant. She gives me advice all the time. Also, she gave me a list of things we need to do before our baby is...

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Recently, I learned a new word: twindemic

Basically, it's when we have more than one epidemic going on at once. I came across this word while reading about the COVID-19 situation in a number of countries. In addition to COVID-19, they will soon have to deal with the flu season as well. I asked my doctor the...

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Safety measures for school students

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, schools are preparing to reopen with new health and safety guidelines. When dealing with the different age groups (4 to-16 years) of students, schools face challenges that will complicate the daily school bus transportation and...

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How to optimize the use of a Temporal Artery Thermometer?

The Temporal Artery Thermometer is a contact thermometer that measures the temperature of blood flowing through the temporal artery in its subcutaneous trajectory on the forehead. The process of capturing these temperature readings is very simple. However, there are...

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School is back

School is back, and while this year should be more normal than the last, it is still crucial to continue to monitor temperatures for the safety of our children and communities. Make sure you have a trusted device in your home to regularly scan for fever. Exergen's...

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Mothers never have to worry with an Exergen Temporal Scanner

New mothers have one of the most difficult jobs, and they deserve the peace of mind. When equipped with an Exergen Temporal Scanner, a proven accurate, doctor-recommended thermometer, mothers will never have to worry about missing a fever.Learn more about the Exergen...

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