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Check for fever frequently to prevent RSV

The COVID-19 outbreak still causes headaches across the globe, but many believe the worst is over. Is that really the case? Suddenly, Intensive Care Units (ICUs) around the world are filled with children suffering from breathing problems. How did this happen? The RS...

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While numbers are important, prevention is essential

Several countries, including India, are debating how many people have died as a result of COVID-19. This is an important topic, of course. All humans are valuable, and we should strive to prevent infection using whatever tools we have. If they do get exposed to an...

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How do we protect ourselves from a twindemic?

A few weeks ago, I learned a new word: twindemic. It is the situation where we have more than 1 epidemic at the same time. I came across this word when I was reading about the COVID19 situation in a number of southeast Asian countries. Not only are they still...

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The world is looking at India for post-COVID19 guidance

The other day I had a video call with a group of distributors of our company in the US and Europe. Before we discussed business we also talked a bit about how things are in their respective countries. I immediately noticed that COVID19 is still very high on their list...

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Finally: a green thermometer

I fully support the plans of our country to be as sustainable as we possibly can. As an engineer I have also seen the progress India has made when it comes to avoiding eWaste and making sure we recycle and refurbish electronic products as much as we can.  There...

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Why I think we better buy a non-invasive thermometer

My husband and I had quite a discussion the other day. A few days ago he dropped our old thermometer on the floor and when he picked it up the tip of the thermometer was damaged. And when he tried to switch it on the thermometer did not respond. My husband was very...

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My husband wants to replace our thermometer with a new one

My husband is always very keen on new technologies. The other day he said he wanted a new thermometer - although he himself is hardly ever sick. The thing is, he has come across a new and very innovative thermometer. It is a US designed and manufactured thermometer...

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Check your temperature twice daily!

My mother likes to tell me stories about how she raised me as a young child. To be honest, I never found them very entertaining. But now that I am a mother myself I more and more start to value her tips and advise she likes to give me.  One of them is...

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Why I bought a temporal artery thermometer for my mother

A few months ago my mother wasn’t feeling so well. She decided to visit her doctor and within a few days she received terrible news: cancer. Fortunately she was admitted in the hospital immediately and underwent surgery. That went very well, her doctor told her, although chemotherapy was needed as an additional step.

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Happy to travel again, but how can I be sure I am safe?

I am so relieved we are able to travel again! Most of my friends and family members live in other cities and I love visiting them whenever I can. During the Covid-19 situation that obviously was not possible but fortunately we are now able to travel again.

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Is it true: IR guns are not very reliable thermometers?

I visited my doctor the other day and she told me I should not buy a non-contact infrared thermometer. The reason I asked her for advice is because our old thermometer fell on the floor the other day. It was an in-ear thermometer and when I picked it up again I saw that the tip of the thermometer had broken off. Everywhere I look I see ads for cheap IR Guns, so I thought we best buy one of those as well. Happy I discussed this with my doctor because buying one of these cheap IR thermometers would have been one big mistake.

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How can I safely visit my mother?

Ever since the Covid-19 pandemic started it has been difficult to travel, to visit friends and family – especially when they live in another part of the country. So how do we stay safe when we travel – by bus or train or maybe by plane?

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Fighting Covid-19? Check your children twice a day

Children can get infected with the Covid-19 virus just as easily as adults. The major difference is that in most cases kids do not get sick because of their contamination. But as soon as they are infected they are able to contaminate others as well. Especially young adults are at risk here, as the daily numbers show.

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Check your temperature twice daily!

With the number of new contaminations soaring it is crucial that we are all very careful. Because without knowing we might have been infected already and thus be a danger to other people around us: your children, your parents, other family members but strangers as well. How to protect ourselves and our loved ones. There is a very simple way of checking yourself and making sure you are not contaminated with the Covid-19 virus. That is checking your body temperature – twice a day!

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How do I detect scarlet fever?

My son has had scarlet fever. At first I didn’t think anything was wrong with him when he came home with quite red cheeks and a sore throat. But the next day he had these white stains around his mouth and he felt warm. So I checked his temperature and unfortunately he...

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