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Today I replaced my IR gun – here is why

A friend of mine send me a message last week about thermometers. Maybe not the most sexy topic but now that we have a baby I really pay attention to medical information. As soon as I told my mom I was pregnant she started spoiling me with gifts. One of them was an...

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My little boy always cries when I take his temperature

My little boy is 6 months old. He has had a bit of a rough start. So far he has been sick quite a lot. My mother always told me that as soon as a mother suspects her child is ill she should take his temperature. But to be honest: I really do not like that. Because...

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The perfect gift for a dear friend

My best friend is almost 4 years younger than I am. And I am so happy for her! Because last week she gave birth to an adorable little baby girl. Getting pregnant has not been easy for her and now she finally is a mom as well – just like me. I can’t wait for us to go...

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Why measuring the temperature of the blood is crucial

I have been using an in-ear thermometer for years. And to be honest: I was quite happy with it. I never thought about replacing it. But then my little boy broke our thermometer. Not sure how he got his hands on it but he was playing with it and accidentally dropped it...

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Exergen Virtual Classroom

The Exergen Corporation has introduced The Virtual Classroom, a modern technological approach to training nursing and hospital staff on the clinical science and proper use of temporal artery thermometry. Click here to learn more about our thermometer...

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Why moms in the USA love their Temporal Artery Thermometers

Moms in the US love their Temporal Artery Thermometers. Why? Because these infrared thermometers are very accurate, very comfortable for both babies and children and adults, and the thermometer is very affordable as well. The reason why Temporal Artery Thermometers...

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Getting up not completely fit

You got up this morning not feeling well, not completely fit. You want to leave for work and decide to check your temperature one more time. No fever? That is a big relief. Probably just a simple cold. Still! Your little one had a fever yesterday, so you decide...

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