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Beware of Gun Thermometer! It is far Wide of the Mark

New Delhi: In COVID times wherever you enter, your temperature is measured by a gun thermometer from a distance. But beware of this non touch thermometer because first of its kind study has revealed truth about its readings. The temperature gun is proving wide of...

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Exergen Corp expands presence in India

Exergen Corp expands presence in India Signs up a new distributor; Temporal Artery Thermometers now available via Government e-Market Place (GEM) WATERTOWN, Mass. - Exergen Corp, a global leader in infrared temperature measurement technologies for medical...

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Is it a Cold or the Flu?

Is it a Cold or the Flu? The Flu Almost Always Brings a Fever, According to Exergen According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), influenza-like illness activity is now widespread in 48 states, making this the worst flu season since 2003. From...

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Exergen Launches Educational Video For Cold and Flu Season

Exergen Launches Educational Video For Cold and Flu Season As we head into cold and flu season once again, Exergen Corporation, maker of the TemporalScanner thermometer, has created an educational video to help people understand how to tell if they have a cold or the...

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