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Is mitochondrial dysfunction behind long Covid?

London: Scientists are looking into how mitochondria, known as the body's power plants, fueling our cells, could be the key to unlocking treatments for long Covid. Long Covid is defined as having new or ongoing symptoms four weeks or more after the start of disease....

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Common Summer Illnesses

Summertime infections are more common than you might think and there are many infections that are common in the late spring and summer. This is surprising to most parents who expect infections, such as the cold and flu, to occur in the winter. Mosquito-Borne and...

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If you were to take a #thermometer out into deep space and leave it there, far from any source of radiation, it would read 2.73 Kelvin—a little lower than minus 454 degrees Fahrenheit. That happens to be the coldest naturally-occurring #temperature in the...

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40% kids aged 0-3 years suffer from long Covid: Lancet

The results of the study found children diagnosed with Covid-19 in all age groups to be more likely to experience at least one symptom for two months or longer than the control group. Copenhagen: Children as young as 0-3 years of age also suffer from long Covid that...

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What Is Mastitis? Can it cause fever?

On a good day, your breasts can feel tender. They're always out on the front lines, taking the brunt of every afternoon jog and pouncing toddler. They don't get infected often, but when they do, it can hurt like no bad bra or PMS pain ever...

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New study reveals long Covid in kids

NEW DELHI: Covid positive children are more likely to experience at least one symptom lasting longer than two months following infection than children who had never been diagnosed with Covid-19, according to the largest study to date on long Covid symptoms in children...

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Long Covid: Over 144 million people suffered globally

"The study suggests that a high proportion of persons, including young adults (20-29 years), suffer from a cluster of symptoms for a longer duration. Specialist rehabilitative services are required to address mental as well as disease-specific physical symptoms," said...

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